Sunday, May 29, 2022

Chai Therapy - Chapter-2


Nick & I

Note: This is continuation to Chapter-1

I started my evening routine of soaking myself in the bubble bath, attempting to ignore The Fairy Godmother. The synopsis of what was going on was annoyingly humiliating.

Last summer, I had met Nick at the engagement party of my best friend Nicole, allegedly my conjoint twin since our teenage years. The four of us would occasionally hangout together and we’d always be joking about how I was living the dream with my own version of The Knicks; Nick and Nicole.

By autumn, Nick and I had developed a routine wherein we would catch up after work and he’d join me for a coffee at my condo and we’d spend our evenings together. We would meet up with Nicole or Nick’s friends over the weekend and take trips to mountains in the North or get vibing in clubs of the city.

All of this lasted until the end of autumn when Nick had started to act distant and decided that it was time to end our relationship in the classiest way possible, by having a conversation about wanting to be just friends and nothing more.

The impact of this breakup was making me try everything to restore my life into “living the dream” status. I had pestered him to convince how the relationship was right for the both of us, had issued a general apology for him to forgive me for the mistakes I might have committed that I had no knowledge of and even tried to emotionally blackmail him by asking him to “return me the Nick that belonged to me”. When nothing else worked, I tried to be friends with him by hanging out with his friends and Nicole every time anyone made a plan that involved Nick.

I would deliberately walk in his neighborhood and run into him on occasions; act breezy and insinuate to have a coffee together at my condo. After we were in the unit, I’d try to seduce him, or beg him, or remind him of the times we enjoyed in each other’s company. It would mostly work, and at times, he’d walk away. Every time it worked, his face would turn into his “Look-What-You-Made-Me-Do” expressions and I’d go back into being miserable.

Link to: Chapter-3 

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