Wednesday, July 13, 2022

A Letter to Dance - Acknowledgments

To my wife: I am constantly amazed by your state of self-awareness and self-sufficiency. Thank you for your constant support. I could not have been doing this (or anything really) without you. I couldn't afford to live this dream growing up, everything else was more important than attending a Dance School or dancing with a professional group. Thank you for your compassion; and for understanding what it means to me to be able to pursue dancing. Thank you for putting up with me while I have been physically absent from the house Monday & Wednesday evenings for the past 4 months to learn & rehearse for the upcoming show. 

To my family & friends: Thank you for always cheering me up. I know I have been borderline annoying, advertising the show over my Instagram stories and WhatsApp statuses. Thanks for always sending your best wishes. It means a lot. As a wise man once said, Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.

To my dance teacher Sue & Bollywood Dance School Canada: Thank you for offering this course and organizing this musical show. Thank you for teaching us the choreography and for your support & guidance throughout the course. Thank you for giving me that extra push when I was not up to the mark, for being patient with me while I was learning and for giving me the opportunity to perform in this show.

To my readers: Thank you for taking the time to read my work. You are the biggest motivation why I write and what I write. I always look forward to your likes, comments and feedback (both online and offline). They help me in ways that are beyond comprehension.

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