Wednesday, July 13, 2022

A Letter to Dance - Prologue

I am drafting this after a fun filled Sunday of intense dancing from 11am to 6pm for Grand Rehearsals of the upcoming show, Namaste India. I want to write this post, and draft this now so I get to feel these feelings as much as I can, so I can pen them down & revisit them a million times down the road even after the show is done and because (as I always say) writing is therapeutic. 

Today was a day filled with dance, with over 150 dancers gathered in the studio from across the GTA to rehearse for the musical; one group dancing after the other in the studio, showcasing their work to the director of the show and him working out the transitions between each act. During the time when we were not presenting our work and awaiting our turns, we were still rehearsing our sections in other areas of the studio - backstage, in the corridors, in the hallways and even in the parking lot under full sun. Almost each group had their own mini-speaker to play their track and rehearse their act; yet amidst the noisy musical resonance of all tracks, each group was following only their track; similar to how several teams simultaneously play cricket on the same playground in my hometown; yet each player only fields the ball that belongs to their team. It was bliss to be surrounded by so many dancers and so much of dance.

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